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PAYE Healthcheck Bedford

Our PAYE Healthcheck service is designed to find any PAYE issues before the Taxman does! 

Why is a PAYE health check needed? 

A PAYE health check is a third-party review of an employer’s payroll and benefit systems to verify that they are providing the correct outcomes in terms of tax and NIC on employees’ pay, costs, and benefits compliance. It’s intended to reduce the risk of interest and fees, as well as increase compliance. 

How does the PAYE health check work? 

One of our specialists in this sector will come to your team to examine your payroll, cost policy and procedure, expense policy and procedure, employee and director expenses and benefits during a PAYE health check. 

After that, we will supply a verbal or written report – in a detailed manner or as a shorter summary – to identify any existing or potential concerns and suggest methods for resolution. 

We also provide a wide range of other payroll services, including our cost-effective outsourced payroll bureau, which makes sure your payroll administration is always HMRC compliant. 

Our PAYE health check services in Bedford 

  • Review and sample check your payroll records for errors
  • Sample test the most common errors that the PAYE inspectors look for 
  • Statistically analyse your completed PAYE returns 
  • Sample check the completion of PAYE returns 
  • Compare your PAYE returns against your annual accounts 
  • Sample check leavers and starters to make sure they are correctly dealt with 
  • Review statutory maternity pay, statutory sick pay, student loan deductions and working tax credits 
  • Identify any workers where status issues may be a concern 
  • Check completion of end of year returns 
  • Review benefit in kind and expenses disclosures and calculations 
  • Check expenses dispensations 
  • Identify any PAYE planning opportunities 

Summary findings of a PAYE health check 

We will provide a full thorough report, which would summarize the steps you must take. The paper would note both risks and possibilities. In the case of a health check, the letter from HMRC may mean that a disclosure is required, but it might also assist to minimize and avoid any fines. 

For more information see our…

Next Step:

Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation or a fixed quote.

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