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Frequently Asked Questions

We sometimes get asked some of these questions by prospective clients considering using our services…

Q: How easy is it to change and should I change?

A: If your present accountant is offering you a great pro-active service at a value-for-money fee then stay where you are. However, not all accountants will save you tax and provide appropriate business advice. If your accountant gives you the type of service you want, then changing to us is very easy. It just needs a written notification from you and we deal with everything else for you. Your present accountant usually can’t charge you for providing the normal handover information.

Q: You seem to offer a lot. Are your fees expensive?

A: No! We offer fixed fees and great value for what we provide. We’re not always the cheapest and the cheapest is often the most expensive in the long run. However, we are not expensive and its the value that you get that’s important.

Q: I’ve just had my accounts done and don’t need an accountant until next year, so is there any need to contact you now?

A: It’s always best to undertake tax planning at an early stage. This applies to all areas of advice and we can help you change the future, not just report what has already happened.

Q: Will you come to visit us for an initial consultation?

A: Yes. It often helps to see your business, books and records, etc and we are happy to visit without charge to show you what we can do. Of course, if you prefer to visit us, that’s good too.

Q: When and how soon can you come to see us?

A: As soon as is convenient for us both. If you need to see somebody urgently, we’re always out and about and can arrange to see you very quickly.

Q: Is your fixed quote guaranteed for more than one year?

A: We don’t give low quotes just to get your business for the first year and then raise the fee. We want to work with you for the long term. We quote a fair fee for the value of the work and advice and would only anticipate normal inflationary increases if the work stays the same. Sometimes there may be reasons why the amount of work exceeds what was expected but we would discuss these with you. Where it is clear exactly what work is involved we can guarantee the fee for more than one year, where required.

Q: You seem to be offering so much that I’m just not used to from my present accountant. How do I know you will deliver?

A: All our work is backed up by our 100% risk free guarantee. Our clients are used to this level of service. You are also welcome to speak with some of our existing clients who have experienced our great level of service. See what our clients say.

Q: Why do you offer something as valuable as the Complete Business Development Guide for FREE to new clients?

A: We can do this because it is already written and is in electronic format so we have minimal costs in getting this to you. Another reason is that if it helps make you more successful, we hope you will remain a client for longer!

Next Step:

Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation or a fixed quote.

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