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Amusing Lookalike!

Monday November 2015

This amusing “lookalike” recently appeared in The Bedford Club Newsletter:


 Barry Cowley                            Emperor Ming 

Has anyone ever noticed before the uncanny resemblance between Barry Cowley, our Treasurer, and The Emperor Ming of Mongo, known affectionately as Ming the Merciless?

My first introduction to Ming, in 1956, was at Saturday morning pictures where Flash Gordon was the serial and Ming was planning to attack the earth. He, Ming, did so again in 1980 but was thwarted by a winged Brian Blessed.  All this despite, back in 1956, his being impaled on his own war rocket (driven by Flash).

Barry’s advice to Ming, I am certain, would be avoid planetary domination and to stick to accountancy. I doubt, sadly, that they could possibly be related!

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