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Pension Regulator Fines Swindon Town Football Co Limited

Thursday May 2016

The Football Club received a £22,900 fine and was ordered to pay contributions of £13,619 into the employee’s pension scheme. This put the eligible employees in the same position as they would have been if the club had automatically enrolled them on their staging date.

The Club failed to:

  • put eligible employees into a pension scheme from their staging date
  • write to staff explaining how auto enrolment affected them
  • pay contributions
  • complete the Declaration of Compliance

Despite receiving notices from The Regulator attempting to seek compliance the company failed to comply and received an initial Fixed Penalty £400 fine.

Further notices were issued and the company continued with its non-compliance eventually receiving a £2,500 per day Escalating Penalty fine.

This caused an inspection by The Regulator prompting the company’s agreement to take action to fulfil its duties.

Charles Counsell, Executive Director of automatic enrolment at the Pensions Regulator, said:

“This case illustrates what can happen when an employer buries their head in the sand and disregards their duties. If things aren’t going well, then talk to us; don’t ignore us”.

“Failing to comply on time will not save you money. Not only do you risk a fine, you will also have to make back dated contributions.”

An Article from 2020 Innovation 28 April 2016

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